Category Archives: Uncategorized

Dreadlock Entry 1: Working Fast Food and Preparing Your Hair


About a month ago, a gentleman came into my place of work (a deli) and ordered some stuff.  This was pretty unspectacular except for the fact that this guy had a beautiful head of dreadlocks all the way down to his backside.  I asked him, “Is it very much work to maintain dreadlocks?”  To which he replied, “Hell no, it’s the easiest hairstyle and I can kick so much ass with these things.”  This isn’t verbatim, but that’s what I took from our conversation.  So I went home after work and read about dreads.

For those of you who don’t know me, I was that girl in high school that had every color of the rainbow in her hair at one point.  And not just single colors – several colors.  I was a punk rocker or something.

Just to give you an idea.

So anyway, long story short, I decided I’m going to spring for dreads this year.

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Brushing Alternatives to Fluoride Toothpaste


Hello, Best Hysteria fans!  I am terrible at regular updates, and I apologize.  But I caught wind of a good conversation on Facebook about Fluoride and what a battle there is about it.  This gave me the jump start I needed to write about something that you should care about!

If you look on most toothpaste tubes, there is almost always fluoride listed as an ingredient (along with sodium lauryl sulfate, saccharine, glycol, and other harsh contents).  For years we’ve been told about how fluoride is super great for teeth and protects your enamel, etc etc.  But if you accidentally swallow more than the recommended amount for brushing your teeth, you are strongly advised to contact the Poison Control Center for further instruction. To give you an idea, let’s check out some symptoms of fluoride poisoning, here’s some symptoms from the least biased website I could find:

  • Headaches
  • Seizures
  • Hyper salivation
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal Pain
  • “Various Arrhythmias”
  • Shock
  • Heart Attack

That’s the worst case scenario.  I’ve probably inadvertently swallowed a gallon of the stuff over my life and I’m pretty sure that I’ve never had a heart attack.

One friend of mine explained to me that her oldest son (now 10) had terrible teeth rot caused from the use of fluoride toothpastes in early teeth-time.  I could see this being a real problem as too much fluoride WILL destroy your teeth.  And they put that shit in your water.  They even make bottled water with that shit – marketed at mothers who are afraid that by not drinking tap wate, their children’s teeth will fall out.  Wasn’t this a reason they started pushing bottled water?  Because of all the effing shit they put into tap water?  BPA and other rants about plastic coming another time, surely you know.

Now, I personally try to steer clear of fluoride toothpastes if I can help it, mostly because of fluoride and other such chemicals – like the sodium lauryl sulfate and the glycols.  Polyethylene glycol is a humectant (or what they call a penetration enhancer, which makes for a running joke) that is recognized by the EWG’s Skin Deep database to be a skin irritant.  And we’ve covered SLS before on this blog.  It’s hard to avoid SLS as it’s in everything, and apparently so is Polyethylene glycol – it’s in foods.  Beyond me why they would put a penetration enhancer in my chewing gum (spoiler: it’s an emulsifier too).
For those of you who are saying, “Well now Ms. Best Hysteria, how do you suppose I ought to go about changing this?”  Lucky for you, the major toothpaste brands have already inadvertently given you a clue – baking soda, a popular whitening agent that is put into toothpastes!  Granted, this stuff is kinda gross.  I brush every day with the stuff and it’s not exactly nice.  But you have to remember, most of our lives were spent growing up on synthetic tastes of mint, cinnamon, and other goofy flavors to make brushing your teeth fun and exciting.  Baking soda is definitely not.  It’s almost kinda salty. However, in two weeks your teeth will be noticeably brighter.  And if the weird salty taste makes you gag, you can add some mint oil to it to give your breath a boost.  Oh yes, that’s another thing – baking soda does not freshen your breath.  There are several cheap, easy to make recipes for homemade mouthwash like Frugally Sustainable provides.

So if you want to free yourself of the chemicals and faux sweeteners, try using straight baking soda on your toothbrush for the next couple weeks.  It’ll take some getting used to, but it’s well worth it.  To good oral hygiene!

Hey – Ideas Are Like Food, I Both Need and Enjoy Them!


Yesterday I took a break from writing anything because my eyes were starting to burn.  I lit some Nag Champa before I laid down on the bed and let my mind wander a bit.

I have about a dozen ideas at this moment about what my next article is going to be about, but the problem is that it’s going to take some time to construct a lot of these intelligently (i.e., What it Means When I Identify as a Woman, The Over-Masculinization of Men, Opposite Grandmothers and Similar Messages – When Social Norms Interfere With Happiness, among others I can’t wait to start on).  So in the meantime, I’m asking my readers:  If there’s anything you would like to see me write about, PLEASE COMMENT BELOW.  Part of writing a blog is catering to my readers, and I would love to hear what you guys have to say.  If you have any reading material, link it!  Just an idea to throw around, let me know!  You guys are an important part of this blog.  I want to write about things YOU care about too!

So please comment below.  And feel free to spread the word about the blog to your friends – the more ideas, the more content.  :D

Maps of Tasmania: How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love My Body Hair


And if you look to your left, you will see a giant allegory for your pubic zone!

When I was 12, a girl asked me why I didn’t shave my legs.  We had just finished a round of dodge-ball or some similar form of middle school torture.  We were sitting on the bleachers waiting for the next rotation when she asked me.  The only thing about this that is really worth mentioning is that she asked it in such a way that implied there was something wrong with me for not shaving my legs.  Of course, I knew that women shaved their legs, but I was 12…and so was this asshole asking me like I doing something gross on purpose.  So began the weird and awkward road of bodyhair hate.

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