Tag Archives: pornography

The Shocking Condition of Women Knowing Nothing About Their Bodies


Warning:  This post is exceptionally frank.  I take no responsibility if you’re offended.  After all, you’re the one reading it.

Completely useless when I'm investigating my downstairs.A girlfriend of mine Facebook messaged me the other day, frantic.

“Kei, I need to ask you something, and it’s really gross.”

“Okay, go for it.  I’m a master of gross things.”

“I was in the shower, and…something that looked like a booger came out of my crotch.  WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT.”

“Hahaha you’re fine, that’s definitely vagina snot.  It’s totally normal, I promise.  It keeps hold of the sperm post-coitus to make pregnancy far more likely.”

“That is fucking disgusting, holy god ugh.  It looks like a BOOGER.”

Naturally, everybody’s reaction to the vagina snot is something along the lines of “omg wtf gross.”  Body fluid has always been a sort of sticky situation.  But of course, you know your body, you know what you’ve been putting into it and exposing it to, so pee, sweat, saliva, everything should not come as a surprise to you.  And most times, everybody is pretty alright with their own body and its processes.

Except, I’ve found, lots and lots of ladies.

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